So, Glasgow in the sun is a very nice place indeed. My aunty and one of her friends picked me up from the airport and drove me round the city, pointing out the important details such as the many macintosh buildings the art galleries the nice places to eat and the trendy places to live.
In my interview i compared Glasgow to Barcelona, they laughed, but its true it reminds me of Gaudi and the beautiful stamp hes put on Barca, in many ways just like Macintosh has on Glasgow.
I have been extremely lame at taking photos, so i'll talk about my highlights..
1) Sunshine - leaving a rainy grey South Wales/Bristol.
2) Accent - i have come across so many sweet scottish girls, with the most adorable voice, for some
reason i was surprised that the three girls i was waiting with were all from Scotland, err duh!
Tramway - an art gallery shared with the scottish ballet, its such a lovely space.
4) I poped along to this exhibition opening and although not a highlight as such but a funny moment, where this old scottish guy with a heavy accent got annoyed that i wasn't laughing at his jokes.
a) i couldnt understand what he was saying
b) what i could understand wasn't funny and he was drunk.
5)The buildings - theres some incredible houses, the architecture is just stunning
6) Art school - its pretty cool
Its been a cultured few days and i don't think i could retain much more information.