With my time in Wales coming to an end, and a new term in London excitingly looming. I've been making it a priority to just aimlessly dwell in the beautiful land that surrounds me.
One of my favourite and most peaceful places to walk is Bishops wood. A stretch of woodland, which follows the river between Parkmill and Ilston. It holds the ruins of the first baptist church in Wales - a beautiful place of peace, with few people and the odd dog.
On my way back, i followed a smaller, more overgrown path and tried to capture the incredible light. Just imagine the steady sounds of water flowing, bees buzzing and wild flowers gently blowing under the sun. AMAZING!
Afterwards, i walked into Parkmill and took the track to Three cliffs Bay through the valley. Usually i approach the bay via the castle above the dunes. But there was something quite dramatic about viewing the castle from below, and approaching the beach via the valley bed which often floods with water at high tides.
I love the turquoise streak of light in this image.
Walking up from Caswell Bay last week i noticed the beautiful wild flowers. I learnt long ago never to pick, when i got told off for stealing a bluebell. So i had to go back and take some photos... to settle the erg.
On a different note, my wonderful friend Bethan drew me! I think its completely amazing, and always impresses me when people can draw so realistically. Check out her blog here! Shes great :)