My lovely mother, brought me a present today..
Basically a cheery lady (pictured above - i assume) named Vickie Howell has written the ultimate 'teen' guide to knitting.
This is what the blurb says..
"whether you're a rocker, jock, homecoming queen, or nerd, Vickie Howell knows how to rock your world"

If i was fortunate to pass my driving test, and own my first car, i could jazz it up with a knitted steering wheel cover. This is what Vicky says
"As with a first love, we all have a special relationship with our first car. How do you express this special connection? cozying up whenever possible!"
I wonder what knitted garment best describes me...

This jacket is one of the better pieces, however i would never class myself as a jock, i think my flexibility and flirting would need some work.

Sweater vests are good, but i lack the intelligence and patience required by a nerd.
Thats pure brilliance, that lovely vicky believes a multi coloured hat describes a drama student..

At the back of the book, it gives details of each person who has conveyed a different 'teen', and the goth picture was ironically modeled by a lady named "Raven Knitshade", now i wasn't too sure whether to take this seriously, but my concerns were clarified when the skater.. Steven "slip stitch" Cunningham had reportedly won the Nobel Piece Prize for Best Knitted Project! Now i said i wasn't intelligent enough to be a nerd, but my logic tells me, there trying to be funny!
Anyway, i have concluded that although i have no idea why there called 'Granolas' - because as far as i'm aware thats a type of healthy snack. I like the fact that she has knitted a scarf, the only realistic knitted item in the whole book.
So cheers Vicky, for writing a truly ridiculous book, it was worth every penny of the reduced price £1.99.
x x x