Monday, 16 May 2011

16th May Round Off
30 Highpool Lane

A) Almost death of hamster by Impulse Spray 
B) Mother gets attacked by Vanilla Protein Shake
C) Aedan dips biscuit in ribena and concludes with "Yuck".

You need to be concerned when four 8 year olds and a hamster are walled in, and under the door creeps a smell designed to describe a London lady out on the prowl. Emerging from the mist, behind the sunglasses, above the heals is my sibling, to her right her BFF in fur and to her left her lady in leather. No eyeshadow is too high and no lipstick is too red, but the smell... strong enough to kill her perfect partner, 5 week old 'nibbles' thankfully unaware that one of his kind is now draped round the neck of a miniature Kate Moss.

Whilst one member of my family perfects her vanity, another is bulking up his. But when little miss moonlight crosses Mr mix it, all hell lets loose. In a defiant attempt to gain control, reactions are released and the whisk decides "who better than mamma to impose this liquid muscle." Unfortunately, in that case the only strength will be assigned to her hair, who knows? Maybe it will be a better remedy than Loreal. 
I enter the event as Mr Mix it is mopping up mamma with a kitchen cloth. 

Lastly we had little A, watching his weight and refusing to eat a ribena drenched biscuit. 

As for me? I spent all day doing my make-up of course. 

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