Sitting hear now, i am officially half way through my first term. I have just come out of two crazy paced, but tranquil, weeks of navigating a loom.
I really enjoyed weaving, having access to my own loom for two weeks was a real luxury after the people/equipment ratio of 'Print'. Although we didnt have long to learn to weave then produce our samples, i found the process really tactile and exhilarating. It takes hours of patience and concentration which was a welcomed challenge and working amongst the second and third years in the studio was really inspiring.
Learning to weave is like learning to read music, and understand what each sequence refers to or create.
Below is a copy of my technical notes for my first sample....
The project focused alot on drawing and designing from your initial inspiration, mine was trees and bark, so i used alot of texture and focused on colour in my samples.
We took a few days to try out different patterns and colours, so bellow is my test sample...
It was important that our samples sat well together as a 'collection', the whole 'collection' thing is something im just starting to get my head around, the idea that every piece is different but they all have a common thread running through. So selecting our colour pallet was really essential. I did this pretty badly in 'Print' and ended with 6 samples that had very little relation to each other, i did it much better this time round....
The final stage was the 'visual application'. The fabrics in many cases have to become something once there made, i visualised a kind of travel blanket/shawl, inspired by Gudruns Joden...
Im really enjoying every aspect of london, and feel like im learning loads. Next week becomes more techincal as i focus on photoshop and drawing, so hopefully i'll have time to blog about what else i've discovered.
Enjoy the fireworks, i get a good view up hear in my attic! xxx
Beautiful stuff Josie :) I always love your drawings xxx