Thursday, 21 March 2013

Something Fascinating.

Enter, my new gadget - voice recorder. 
Now this was given to me by the Welsh gov, to help me during seminars at uni. Seeing as i barely have one lecture a week, its folders need filling. Now this provides a new way of working, instead of reading a book and taking notes, i can read a book and simply record. So, i tried this the other day, and this post is the outcome. The initial downside is that i got a bit carried away and recorded 19minuets of me talking about 'doubt & faith', so hear is the first few thoughts....

If you've read my previous posts you will know i've been reading a book called "The crowd, The Critic And The Muse" by Michael Gungor. I want to share with you a few points which he makes that really struck me.

  • Firstly, the relationship between faith and doubt

"I've talked about how the creator needs faith. The creator also needs doubt"

This is relevant to you faith or no faith. For we all have faith in something. If thats in God then your faith shapes what you believe. If you have faith in your Art, then your doubt shapes your final outcome, your refined creation. Gungor says this, 
"Doubt purifies faith" 
Yikes! I LOVE that statement, 'Doubt' a word which previously i saw as negative, is actually used as a positive. A tool to cleanse and refine.

This whole doubt thing, drives us. Gungor mentions good ol' Einstein, what if Einstein never doubted what was already known, there would be no desire to investigate and drive forward. 

So, i have been thinking about how i'm studying Weave. Weave is totally ancient and thousands of people around the world can weave and use it as an income. They've been doing it for generations. 
Now, some people can get swept up in the beauty of this ancient craft - as can i, for a few hours. But thats not gunna drive me forward. When i think about what people have done with weave, i doubt that theres anything else i can add to the world via weave! 

Enter, the questions...
Now Gungor writes, 
"Without doubt, there are no questions; and without questions, there is no imagination."
Now Josie writes,

Returning back to Weave, yes, i can doubt that theres anything else i can bring technically to the process of weave. But, when i ask the question; Where can Weave take me? The heritage and tradition of weave suddenly opens up, it could take me anywhere in the world! And now my imagination starts rolling. 

So, these are just my first thoughts. I'm quite slow at converting recording to writing, so i'll be back with more.

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