Sunday, 10 January 2010

Firstly, In church and Deb starts talking about Blogs and the power of the internet, i don't think its any Coincidence that i felt the need to start one this year, even if its just me and God reading it.. thats fine by me.

Secondly, I've been babysitting for a little boy for a while, and briefly talk to his mum before she goes out, but yesterday the friend she was waiting for was really late - we're talking like an hour! And we were just talking about College and what im going to do with the next stage of my life, and i mentioned fashion, but my love for religious studies came up and she suddenly became interested, she just lit up. By day she is an accountant, but what really interests her is religion and spirituality, and i think she holds a bit of regret that she never followed her dreams, because that night she told me to follow mine.
She has a real openness, and i started talking about church and how i became a christian, and she recalled when she lived in America and attended a very evangelical church, where people are touched by the Holy Spirit. It was just a really enjoyable conversation, which i think me and her have both benefited from.

Talking to her made me think a bit about muslims in particular, they kinda amaze me actually, i remember when i was like 6 or 7 and was in school in London, and the muslim girls would be praying in a little room on there prayer mats at lunch time instead of being outside playing - even then i was gobsmacked my there dedication and maturity. Another time when i was around the same age i was playing tag in the playground and i asked a muslim girl if she wanted to play, and she said "i can't, im not aloud to eat or drink during the day, so i can't get dehydrated" It was a festival, possibly ramadan.? This again blew my mind. I have alot of respect for the religion, and feel that we could learn alot from there self-control and devotion. However i feel that Islam could learn alot from Christianity, i know there is structure and fakeness going on in the church, but there are people standing against this and living real lives with God, and what i don't understand about Islam is that its conformed into a ritual ..everything has a time and a pattern, and with such strict routines, wheres reality? wheres life?

I will probs regret writing any of this so i better publish it before i change my mind. Spelling is beyond bad!


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