I made the executive decision to mitch college today, it was based on many levels, this is what went through my mind whilst laying in bed at 7.30am this morning..
1) I need to spend the day improving my drawing skills
2) If i go into college i need to get out of bed now and wash my hair, if i mitch college, i can get up at like 9 and wash my hair at a more leisurely pace ... guaranteeing that all the conditioner would be washed out.
3) It MAY snow
4)If i have my drama partners number on my phone, then i'll text him so he dosen't have to go to drama and do nothing.
Thankfully, i had his number, so hair got washed and i spent the day drawing. Im a terrible drawer, i started drawing my hand and that failed so i moved onto a shell, then tried a fruitbowl and then i started to stress. So i tried to draw my sister, Grace. Bellow is a picture of my pretty 6 year old sister..

Ahh! my brothers have made me laugh today Rory is literally playing 'Don't Stop Believing' by the Journey on repeat, whilst singing along with an American accent. Its quite ironic really,- cause he stopped believing along time ago ..if ya get my drift!
And Aedan well, he ran into the kitchen saying he wanted a biscuit, and then proceeded to open up the bin, stick his hand in, feel around a bit then pull out his half eaten biscuit from earlier! I got it before it went in his mouth, thankfully!
i better get back to my knitting its 7pm and i thought it was like 5, im way behind my schedule.
'don't stop believing'
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