Saturday 15 June 2013

In under a week i'll be packed up and ready to return to Swansea - that still feels like a huge challenge! Sitting on my bed surrounded by paints/paper/sketchbook & a punnet of grapes, i feel like i've got a super sonic job this week to finish and hand in my uni work aswell as pack, whilst making time to say my goodbyes. 

This year has been one of the/if not best year of my life. I feel new and excited (and slightly worn out.) 

I feel proud of what i have achieved and the beautiful new friends i've made, but i also feel challenged to be bolder in what i believe and sharing my thoughts. 

This two 'homes' thing is throwing me a bit, the idea that London keeps on moving without me. I'll be gone, but i'll return - (don't let me miss anything - you know my email!)

I'll leave you with a mess of images i've taken and some of my work...

Parallel tubes

Central Saint Martins, in the sun. Silver wrapping and all

Roof Tops

Stroll around the palace

Pattern Cutting

Candle lit gig

Tea for two

Perfectly topped 'chai' latte


Place of rest?
